Saturday, October 9, 2010

Good Company

It is a sad realization when it occurs to you that you have grown unaccustomed to good company. So when you are reacquainted with such, it is a rather loud wake-up call and quite an enjoyable experience-understandably. Sometimes we don't even recognize that we are poisoning our own selves with people, places, and environments that we cannot stand. With things that do not bring out the best in us. Therefore, when we are exposed to the things that bring out the best in us, the jolt of the obvious is rather discombobulating.
When I talk about "the right kind of company", I am not insinuating that certain kinds of company is "bad company". I am simply asserting that not all kinds of company are good for certain types of people and personalities. People and crowds click, some don't. It is a matter of testing the waters and assessing compatibilities. It might seem a little bit asinine to be so "choosy" of who you hang out with. But if you really think about it, doesn't it seem even more asinine to NOT be so choosy of the people that you associate with? Is the cliche adage of "You are what you eat" accurate after all? In other words, you become what you consume? Garbage in garbage out? As a friend once remarked, "You are what you associate with". I believe that there is more truth in this than most people realize.
I would like to clarify that I also am not implying the complete severance of certain groups or crowds simply because you do not "click" with them. Some situations call for this but most do not. When it comes down to it, the key is to not invest your emotional well being in another person, any other person. But solely invest your emotional well being in Christ and you can be secure in the fact that it will never be shaken. And that is an invigorating affirmation and immunity is it not? This does not mean numb or withdraw yourself from others so that you will not get hurt, but simply to be emotionally dependent on God when it all comes down to the nitty gritty.

1 Corinthians 15:33
"Bad company corrupts good character."

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and do not lean on your own understanding."

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