Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good, better, no such thing

While I seem to be in the groove of getting phrases that urk me off my shoulders, I have another phrase to share that makes me flinch every time I hear it. Sometimes it is not even a full phrase, merely the term "good people, good person". There is no such thing as a "good" person. We are all sinful creatures. We all have a nasty, unclean heart. The only reason that any of us are even able to do good things for other people and good works is by the grace of God. He is good and everything good comes from Him, not us. We do not produce good fruit out of our own power. We are the branches, He is the vine. Branches cannot produce fruit if they are solely a branch. All good that eminates from humans is by extension the goodness of God. He cleanses us for HIS glory and gives us the ability to be good for His purposes by His power.

And the term "good or better christian"? Also non-existent. You are either a Christian or you are not. You cannot be a "better" Christian than someone else. You are a Christian that is invested in Christ and following after Him with your whole heart or you are not.

Mm. Feel better.

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