Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Consumed: Imperishable

I have never been at a place in my life before as I am now-a time that if I were to ask myself what I would do if the Holy Spirit was taken away from me...I would be left with absolutely nothing. Of course anyone who does not have Jesus has absolutely nothing in all reality. But what I mean is, I have never been at the point of complete surrender, reliance, and saturation with the Holy Spirit as I am now. A state of complete activation, flourishing, robust thriving. A level of life teeming with life and live culture. I wouldn't have it any other way. If you took that away from me now, I would have nothing to talk about. I would have nothing to spend time on. I would have no motivation for anything in life. I would have no interests or passions. I would have no love for people, no joy. I would have no identity-I would have no me. I would be a shell of a person. He is my everything-I have waited, wanted, and prayed my whole life to be where I am now.

For a lot of people, this declaration probably seems extremely naive. Why would I want to place my whole identity in something so "intangible"? Why would I want to put "all my eggs in to one basket" like this? My answer to this would simply be another question: "Doesn't it only make sense to place my well-being, faith, and life path in Someone that can never be taken away from me? Isn't it common sense to invest your treasure in the imperishable? That is what I am doing and I don't regret it for one moment. What I have can never be taken away from me.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Luke 12:34

"For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality."
1 Corinthians 15:53

"...and we have a priceless inheritance--an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay."
"1 Peter 1:4

I have been waiting my whole life to see "things happen". You have to stop waiting, and start living. Now that I'm here, I didn't even realize I was on my way to this place in life when I was working towards it. I was working THROUGH things when things "started happening." The things that you're waiting for in life happen while you think you are waiting for them.

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