Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Upon recent observation, I have debunked the idea that I am not a morning person. There's just something alluring about mornings, about any early A.M. hours at that. This disclosure is of course, conditional at times, there are always exceptions based off of circumstances, company, and environment. But speaking in general terms in regards to the majority of the time, I will continue to feel the same about the wee hours of the A.M.
After ponderous reflection of the reasons why morning seems to enchant me so often, I came up with the following:

~My sense of humor and personality tends to be magnified in the morning, rendering enigmatic fits of laughter and giggles

~The fact that EVERY song seems to be the BEST SONG EVER in the hours of the morning after first waking

~The simple crisp, fresh, raw feel of the A.M., proof of a new day of life

~My husky morning voice that makes me feel....husky-burly. In the best possible way of course.

~Let's be real-pastries are the gods of the food world. The tasties & treats, the plethora of ambrosial goodies accompanied by the gem of the morning that is coffee.....there really is nothing better.

~And of course, the incandescent, dim, aurora lighting

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