That said...I will just make a long story short. I am that person now. I am an "mmm" er. O my star. I promised myself I would never be "one of those." Now is the time to ask the question...well how did I get here? Why do I do this now? How did this happen? Why doesn't it make me irascible now? Alright that is more than "the" question, that is four questions. No matter. So today I was analyzing the reasonsssss...the reeeaasssoonnsss...Earth Wind & Fire moment, apologies. The reasons for this strange...phenomenon if you will, that I have transitioned into. It is simply a theory, but I have a theory upon my theory that it definitely could be a quite accurate theory.
I believe the explanation behind the "mmm" ing is a literal language of some sorts, of the Holy Spirit. I've noticed that every time I find myself in the "mmm" ing act, it is in response to:
1. a morsel of knowledge that someone has communicated that really hit home/a piece of information I really agree with or relate to
2. a genuine feeling of sympathy, emotion, vicariously feeling for/through someone else upon hearing something from or about them
3. All encompassing: a wordless amen, this including both number 1 & 2, whenever I just hear words that are literally sweet to my soul, like a massage of my spirit from the Spirit
These reasons naturally led me to assume that this form of "mmm" ing can most of the time be attributed directly to a communication of/from/by the Holy Spirit, manifesting Himself through our human bodies. This simple sound has always been characterized, more often than not, by a feel good sensation, a pleasurable feeling or emotion, a pleasing occurrence. Maybe it is just one of the many ways that the Spirit physically emanates His pleasure. If that is the case, what a PRIVILEGE to be the vessel that this favorable delight is being transfered through.
The funny thing is...I do not think about "mmm"ing. It just unpretentiously happens without "my permission", without my realization of it coming out until it has already...come out. I think it's safe to say that it is essentially an involuntary action. I have come to see it as a pleasure moan of the soul. As for the question of why this happens now and did not previously? The chords that strike this spiritual pressure point triggering the "mmm"'s did not used to be struck. The chords did not even used to exist. But now that my soul and spirit have finally adjusted and aligned with the only mold it was ever made to fit perfectly into, it delightfully responds to the words that it was always meant and created to absorb and feast upon.
"...but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."
Romans 8:26
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
Proverbs 16:24
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